Ways to Connect with SSPTA:

Ways to Connect with SSPTA: 

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/sscspta

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/sulphur_springs_pta/

SSPTA Website – www.sspta.org

Join PTA - https://jointotem.com/ca/canyon-country/sulphur-springs-community-school-pta/join/register

PTA Newsletter (Current and Past Versions) - https://www.sspta.org/pages/pta-newsletters-archive

President's Email – President@sspta.org  


There are several ways you can SUPPORT our school:


Volunteering is the most valuable way to support our students. 

To volunteer in the classroom, start here: https://www.sssd.k12.ca.us/Page/2116

To volunteer for a specific PTA program, please review the the Programs page to see all of the programs and events. Email the chairperson for any program that interests you.

If you would like to get more information on all of the volunteer opportunities, please email President@sspta.org


You can also support the PTA by participating in the sponsored event. Check this website as well as the SSPTA Newsletters posted in Parent Square for details on the upcoming event.