Week 16 - Nov 27 - PTA Newsletter
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Dear Sulphur Springs Parents and Guardians,
We hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break with your family. It’s hard to believe that the end of the year is upon us! We’re entering that time of busy-ness, with all the winter holiday events – and it’s only three short weeks until we’re on Winter Break!
The first full week of December will be our Holiday Shop. You can learn more about what that is below. Also, we are always in need of volunteers for this week-long event. You can help us during school hours on campus or by wrapping gifts on your own at home. Please sign up here if you can help, even if it’s just for 30 minutes or an hour:
4-Week Look Ahead
12/4-12/8 – Holiday Shop, check the flyer for more information
12/15 – Recycling Drop-Off at all three valets (morning only)
12/18-1/7 – NO SCHOOL, Winter Break (School resumes January 8)
Table of Contents
1. Holiday Shop – For all students! Find out how YOU can help.
2. Great Artist Program – Volunteers Wanted
3. Special Volunteer Recognition – Thank you!
4. List of Volunteer Needs
1. Holiday Shop – For all students! (12/4-12/8)
Holiday Shop is an exciting event for all our students. In the first week of December, our PTA opens a special room at school filled with great gifts for everyone in your child’s life. All classes will be given a preview of the Holiday Shop, and then they will return again to make their purchases (with funds that you send in for them).
Students love that they can get you something that’s truly a surprise. When else do they get the opportunity to shop without you?
If you’d like to help with Holiday Shop, we need volunteers who are willing to wrap gifts at home (or at school), or who can assist students with making the perfect selection for the loved ones in their lives. Holiday Shop is hosted by the 6th Grade Committee and serves as a fundraiser, so they can purchase t-shirts for every student in the Class of 2024, celebrate their achievements at a special end-of-the-year outing, and have an amazing promotion ceremony.
For more information, please reach out to the Holiday Shop Chairperson Jeanette James (mrsjdjames@yahoo.com). https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090B48AAAC28ABFF2-45981470-holiday
2. Classroom Art Projects – Volunteers Wanted
We are looking for volunteers to work with the classroom teachers on some classroom art projects. If you’re interested, read on below and then email me (CopperJP@me.com) so I can get you on my list.
Here’s a brief synopsis of the Great Artist Program (https://www.greatartistprogram.com/).
- Who - You, working with the classroom teacher
- What - Will go into a classroom and teach an art lesson from the Great Artist Program.
There are six lessons total, one for each of six “famous” artists.
(You can do the training online, with me or on your own.)
- When - You will coordinate with the teacher.
Approximately one art lesson per month, six per class each year.
Each lesson will take approximately 45-75 minutes. Work with your teacher to determine the amount of time that is comfortable for them.
- Other Info - All supplies are provided by the PTA. We will need to work together to create a schedule so you’re not trying to use supplies at the same time that someone else needs them. (I can draft a “schedule” so that each grade rotates through at a different cycle. And we can also share a Google spreadsheet or something similar that lets us see when others are signed up for the supplies.)
The kids absolutely LOVED this program, and I’m so excited to bring it to Sulphur! I hope you will consider getting involved. It’s going to be so much fun!
Please email me (CopperJP@me.com) at your earliest convenience and let me know if you are interested and willing to do this. In that email, please include your child(ren)’s teacher (s) and any others you might be willing to help.
If you’re not sure, or if you have questions that need answering, I have set up a quick Zoom the week after we get back from Thanksgiving Break to answer questions, talk about supplies and where they are stored, review the sign-up process for scheduling, etc. Please join this Zoom if you might be interested. I won’t assume you’re committing until you tell me so!
- Wednesday, 11/29 at 5:30pm, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84964564778?pwd=UjBRUVMvVnNNL05VSXoyY2VQUnhNdz09
- Thursday 11/30 at 9am, https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82937290113?pwd=MzAvYkNtOXU1TUhodCsvZ1ppaXowQT09
3. Special Volunteer Recognition
SSPTA would like to recognize these amazing volunteers for their willingness to donate their time to our student body!
Angie Figueroa |
Daynabelle Anderson |
Deering Viola |
Heidi Wiglitton |
Karen Fidaleo |
Karen Preciado |
Kim Sperling |
Nicole Carruth |
Portia Franklin |
Rose Carradine McGee |
Yuka Kawasaki |
Also, to all our teachers and staff, Principal Ms. Katie Palacios, Assistant Principal Ms. Janine Terrazas, and our front office staff Dionne, Gale, and Holly: Thank you!
4. List of Volunteer Needs
We have an immediate need for volunteers in the following areas. If you are available and would like to donate your time, regardless of the amount, please reach out to the contact listed:
Children’s Holiday Shop (12/04-12/08) – Chair, Jeanette James (mrsjdjames@yahoo.com)
Help shop ahead of time, wrap presents at home, or volunteer during the school day.
Great Artist Program (art instruction) – Chair, Jessica Coleman (CopperJP@me.com)
Subcomité de Familias Que Hablan Español – Presidenta, Claudia Pineda (klaudette26@gmail.com)
Inclusion Committee (ongoing) – Chair, Karen Preciado (hiedi2@aol.com)
Ways to Connect with PTA: https://www.sspta.org/pages/ways-to-connect-with-sspta
If you would like to know more about what the Sulphur Springs PTA does for our school, please check out: https://www.sspta.org/pages/about-us
Email President@sspta.org with any questions!