Week 7 - Sept 18 - PTA Newsletter

Click here to view previous newsletters.            Click here to view forms and flyers.


Dear Sulphur Springs Parents and Guardians,

Our students had a fun time celebrating Constitution Day last Friday! It was amazing to see so many kids answering the call to dress in their best patriotic outfits. We hope to see you this week at our first restaurant night at Scooter’s Jungle on September 20. You will be receiving, if you have not already, your teacher’s ParentSquare sign-ups for goal setting meetings, being held September 26 through September 29. Remember there is no school on September 29, October 2, and 3. We hope you all are planning something fun with your upcoming Fall Break time off. Stay tuned for an exciting month ahead!

 Here’s everything you need to know:

4-Week Look Ahead

  • 09/18 – PTA Reflections Informational Zoom Meeting (10:00-11:00am); Link in #6
  • 09/20 – SSPTA Restaurant Night at Scooter’s Jungle (5:30-7:30pm)
  • 09/21 – SSPTA Chairperson Training via Zoom (7:00-8:30pm)
  • 09/26 & 09/28 – Student Goal Setting Meetings/ Minimum Days (12:45pm Release)
  • 09/29 – Student Goal Setting Meetings/ No School
  • 10/02-10/03 – Fall Break/ No School
  • 10/06 – PTA Reflections Artwork Due
  • 10/07 – SSPTA Mustang Roundup (6:00-10:00pm) Get Your Ticket Now!!!
  • 10/10 – SSPTA Meeting, 2pm (Everyone’s Invited, Please Join Us in Bungalow 41)


Table of Contents

  1. List of Volunteer Needs
  2. Restaurant Night – Scooter’s Jungle (09/20)
  3. Chairperson Training (09/21)
  4. Goal Setting Meetings (09/26-09/29)
  5. Fall Break (10/01-10/02)
  6. Reflections Art Show and Contest (Deadline 10/06)
  7. Mustang Roundup (10/07)
  8. PTA Room Parent Assignments
  9. Yearbook Sale
  10. Ways to Connect with PTA


  1. List of Volunteer Needs

We have an immediate need for volunteers in the following areas. If you are available and would like to donate your time, regardless of the amount, please reach out to the contact listed:

 Immediate: Mustang Roundup (10/07); Donation Gathering (Need now), Basket Dressing (10/02-10/05), Event Setup (10/06-10/07), During Event (10/07), and Event Cleanup (10/07-10/08) – Event Co-Chairs, Victoria Skornia (skornia@gmail.com) and Jennifer Salinas (jennifermsalinas@gmail.com)


  1. Restaurant Night – Scooter’s Jungle (09/20)

 Join us September 20, from 5:30 to 7:30pm, for our first SSPTA Restaurant Night of the year – at Scooter's Jungle located at 28230 Constellation Rd., Valencia, CA 91355. Check-in starts at 5:00pm. Online ticket sales close Sunday, September 17 at 10:00pm. Purchase your tickets and meal options here while you still can: https://www.sspta.org/collections/events/products/scooters-jungle-restaurant-night. Once online sales close, you will only be able to purchase tickets at the door, with an admission price increased by $5 per person; food prices remain the same. Online ticket prices are Children $15 (ages 1-17), Adults $5, Infants free (under 1). Food prices for Pepperoni and Cheese pizza slices are $3/ea. or a whole pizza for $30 (10 slices). We can’t wait to see you there!


  1. PTA Chairperson Training via Zoom (09/21, 7pm)

 Mark your calendars, circle them in bright, neon ink, and set an alarm – because on Thursday, September 21, at 7:00pm, we are holding our PTA Chairperson Training.

We will be talking about all things associated with running a PTA event or activity. We will demystify what it means to be the captain of a PTA ship, guide you through the secret sauce for planning a knock-your-socks-off event, and reveal the inner workings of how we conjure our legendary Mustang magic! Please join if you are interested in chairing, co-chairing, or just finding out more so you can decide in the future if you would like to run an event or activity.

If the stars don’t align and you cannot make it to the training, don’t fret! Reach out to Victoria.Skornia@gmail.com, and we'll share the meeting recording. Whether you're ready to hoist the flag of leadership or are simply curious about what it entails, join us and let's ignite the spark of enthusiasm together.

Meeting URL: https://deainc.zoom.us/j/94306254071?pwd=UzJBL3VFdExPbUFMYjVXQXhoQ2RBQT09

Meeting ID: 943 0625 4071

Passcode: 536866


  1. Goal Setting Meetings (09/26-09/29)

Goal setting meetings with your teachers will start September 26 and wrap up September 29. September 26 and 28 are minimum days with dismissal at 12:45pm. September 29, there is no school. Your teacher will be sharing a ParentSquare post with sign-ups for a time slot on their calendar this week if you haven’t seen one already.


  1. Fall Break (10/02-10/03) 

It is a time when classrooms are deserted, textbooks gather dust, and the only assignments involve cozying up with the start-of-the-fall-season yummy tastes. Students swap their backpacks for flannel shirts, trading deadlines for campfires and essays for marshmallow roasts. So, here is to embracing the autumnal joy, where the only thing falling is the leaves, and the only worries are which sweater to wear and which pie to savor.

Just on the horizon after goal-setting meetings, kids are cheering for fall break, October 2–3. With September 29 as a non-school day for goal setting meetings, you can schedule your meeting early to make the most of the (5) days away from school!


  1. Reflections (Art Show and Contest) – Deadline 10/06

This year’s theme is “I am HOPEFUL because….” Be sure the theme is incorporated in the artwork! There will be an informational and Q&A Zoom meeting, in English and Spanish, on September 18 from 10:00-11:00am. If you have any questions, be sure to attend!

Meeting URL: https://deainc.zoom.us/j/91072743862?pwd=K1lwelpRNjNHWFZzU3UranBFM3pUZz09

Meeting ID:910 7274 3862

Passcode: 238412 

For more information from National PTA, visit https://www.pta.org/home/programs/reflections, or you can contact our Reflections Chairperson Claudia Pineda (klaudette26@gmail.com).

Reflections submissions should be turned in to the front office; the deadline for consideration is Friday, October 6. All artworks will be displayed around campus, and there will be a gallery display and awards ceremony on October 19 (at 5:30pm in the MPR). There is still time to request your application packet today—and let your creativity flow!


  1. Buy Your Tickets Now! Mustang Roundup (10/07)

Our biggest fundraiser (and the only one we really need for the year, if we do things right) is scheduled in (3) short weeks. The money raised at Mustang Roundup allows us to fund the majority of our programs for the school year – schoolwide assemblies, arts instruction, an introduction to Spanish, support materials for teachers and students (like MakerSpace, ReflexMath, classroom enrichment, and more), Game Room, fun family events, and books for our library.  (If you would like to know more about what the Sulphur Springs PTA does for our school, please check out: https://www.sspta.org/pages/about-us)

Mustang Roundup is a fun night out with other adults – good food, good friends, and a really good purpose. We have a silent auction and a live auction planned, with tons of amazing items to bid on:  trips to near and faraway places, art created by YOUR student, gift baskets cultivated by each class (think Lego, sports, pets, spa day, Disney, and more!), plus gorgeous jewelry, gift certificates to local restaurants, outings to museums or concerts in LA—we could go on and on…Starting last week you received flyers with a preview of auction item teasers and information. You will be receiving similar flyers up until the event to show you what items will be up for bid.

Buy your tickets for this adults-only event now ($70/ per person)! Tickets must be pre-purchased before October 2. There will be no tickets available at the door, so buy your tickets NOW. https://www.sspta.org/collections/events/products/mustang-roundup-october-7-2023. Invite your friends, family members, etc. The more, the merrier! Friends of Sulphur Springs ($75/ per person): https://www.sspta.org/collections/events/products/mustang-roundup-friends-of-sulphur-springs-october-7-2023

Here’s where we need your help:

  • Classroom Baskets – Each teacher (and their room parent team) has been requested to coordinate one themed basket for the Roundup auction. The goal is to create a fun and engaging basket, centered around the theme, that people will want to bid a lot of money on! (Remember, this is a fundraiser!) So, get creative and have some fun with the items you contribute. You should have received a letter last week providing more details on how you can donate. In short, we are asking each family, if able, to contribute a new (sealed, if applicable) item that goes with your class theme or a nominal monetary donation to assist the room parent(s) with purchasing items for the class basket. Donation items can be sent in with your student Attn: Room Parent(s), or you can drop it in the front office Attn: SSPTA Mustang Roundup and include the teacher’s name. Items are due no later than Thursday, September 28. We – and the kids – appreciate whatever you can contribute! 




Special Ed






Pet Lovers Haven


Ashe (Dunn)/ Robles Picardo


Gardening Galore




Relaxation and Self-Care Bliss




Outdoor Explorer




Spa Retreat




Dinosaur Expedition




Superhero Adventure




DIY Crafts Extravaganza




Science and Discovery




Artistic Delights




Sports Spectacular




Gourmet Foodie Feast




Family Game Night



De Los Reyes

Coffee Lover's Bliss




Bookworm's Haven




Fitness and Wellness Boost




Wine and Cheese Delight




Movie Night Indulgence


  • Donations – We are still seeking more donations for the live and silent auctions. This can be any product, service, or experience that you, or someone you know, would be willing to contribute. If you have a donation in mind, please contact our co-chairs Victoria Skornia or Jennifer Salinas, and they will arrange for a pick-up or other delivery details.
  • Volunteers – We also need a band of volunteers: to help solicit and pick up donations, to set up the day of the event, and to help during the event with raffles, auctions, check in, and cleanup. You can sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0D48ACA723A2FE3-2023, or you can reach out to our event chairs to communicate your interest and availability. Any amount of time you can give – from now through October 8th – will be very much appreciated!

 Our Mustang Roundup co-chairs can be reached for event questions, food choice options, donations, volunteer opportunities, etc.: Victoria Skornia (victoria.skornia@gmail.com) and Jennifer Salinas (jennifermsalinas@gmail.com).

We hope to see you on Saturday, October 7, from 6PM to 10PM, at River’s End Pub in Canyon Country. It will be a fabulous time for an incredible purpose—helping our kids! Bring your checkbook or credit card and loosen your purse strings… this one is for the children.


  1. PTA Room Parent Assignments

Meet your PTA Room Parents – the undercover superheroes of the classroom: supporting our teachers, nurturing our students, and the conduit between the classroom, PTA, and families.

Teacher Last Name

Room Parent(s)


Julie Ramey & Tiffany Dismuke

Ashe (Dunn)/

Robles Picardo

Emma Chavez & Portia Franklin


Kimberly Sperling, Sabrina Alvarez, Sonia Chavez, & Michelle Deconza


Kristina Sambrano, Nicole Carruth, & Yesica Fuentes


Riana Kort


Anahi Espinoza, Christina Mackey, Chrystal Ramos, Kimberly Sperling,

Kristina Sambrano, & Michelle Deconza


Alyssa Gilkerson


Alyssa Gilkerson, Kessa Tayler, & Sarah Scott


Rosita Espitia


Christina Fiorella & Mariah Madison


Cassandra McCormick & Christina Mackey


Gloria Kamenos, Kristina Sambrano, & Victoria Skornia


Ginny Salazar, Shane Kilmer, & David Janoyan


Claudia Davalos


Gloria Kamenos, Sarah Scott, Victoria Skornia, & Jennifer Salinas


Kessa Tayler, Leslie Solis, Nicole Connolly, Susan Lee, & Yvette Spencer


Lucia Gonzalez


Selina Valdez


Christina Fiorella


Nicole Carruth


Claudia Cuevas & Karen Preciado


Jamie Fisher, Nancy Ayala, & Yvette Spencer


Room parents work with their teachers to ensure that every school year is filled with fun, laughter, and memorable moments for our kids. They become support units for our teachers and students in the classroom helping with classroom tasks, art projects, parties, and celebrating your teacher’s birthday. They also lead the charge inside the classroom for many of our PTA events and activities like Mustang Roundup basket donation gathering, Trunk or Treat candy donations, and Teacher Appreciation week, to name a few. You will be receiving an introduction letter from your room parents soon. In addition, they will be reaching out regarding the Mustang Roundup basket donations, which are due by September 28.

We are still looking for room parents for these classrooms: Ms. Baker, Mrs. De Los Reyes, and Mrs. McLaughlin/Ms. Frez. If you are interested in helping with any of these classes, please reach out to our room parent coordinator, Jennifer Salinas at jennifermsalinas@gmail.com.

  1. Yearbook Sales

Yearbooks for the current school year are on sale for only $20 with custom personalization. The deadline for free personalization is January 1, 2024; then the price increases to $25. You can purchase student yearbooks here: https://www.sspta.org/collections/yearbook


  1. Ways to Connect with SSPTA:

Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/sscspta

Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/sulphur_springs_pta/

SSPTA Website – www.sspta.org

Become a PTA Member https://jointotem.com/ca/canyon-country/sulphur-springs-community-school-pta/join/register

PTA Newsletter (Current & Past Versions) https://www.sspta.org/pages/pta-newsletters-archive

PTA Forms & Flyers: https://www.sspta.org/pages/flyers-page

President Email – President@sspta.org

Communications Email – communications@sspta.org (new email)

 If you would like to know more about what the Sulphur Springs PTA does for our school, please check out: https://www.sspta.org/pages/about-us

Before Fall Break arrives, be sure to register your student for Reflections and get your tickets for the Mustang Roundup, a fun adults-only night of fun, food, friends, and fundraising. Start planning your trunk theme and decorations; Trunk or Treat will be here before you know it! And make sure you like our Facebook and Instagram pages, as we will have regular posts on the newsletter items and much, much more. (It would be a shame to miss out on our hilarious memes.)


Best Regards,

Jennifer Salinas, SSPTA 2023-24 Communications Chair

communications@sspta.org (new email); c. 661-607-5387 (voice & text)