Week 9 - Oct 2 - PTA Newsletter

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Dear Sulphur Springs Parents and Guardians,

We hope everyone is having an amazing Fall Break. October 2nd is the last day to purchase your Mustang Roundup tickets, if you are planning on joining us for the amazing adults-only night PTA has planned; filled with BBQ, live music, sweet desserts, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, lots of photo opportunities and an out of this world auction. We are hoping to raise the necessary funds to keep all our amazing programs and activities we do for our students and teachers each year. Don’t miss out on your chance to be a part of our SSPTA history!

Also, start planning your trunk theme and decorations, and pull out your costumes; Trunk-or-Treat will be here in 4 short weeks!

Here’s everything you need to know:

4-Week Look Ahead

  • 10/02-10/03 – Fall Break/ No School
  • 10/06 – PTA Reflections Artwork Due
  • 10/07 – SSPTA Mustang Roundup (6:00-10:00pm) Purchase Tickets Here, Until 10/02@10pm!
  • 10/10 – SSPTA Meeting, 2pm (Everyone’s Invited, Please Join Us in Bungalow 41)
  • 10/13 – Spirit Assembly
  • 10/18 – Restaurant Night – Oggi’s (5:30-7:30pm)
  • 10/27 – Trunk or Treat (5:00-7:00pm)


Table of Contents

  1. Trunk or Treat (10/27)
  2. Reflections Art Show Gala (10/19)
  3. Mustang Roundup (10/07)
  4. Yearbook Photos
  5. Special Volunteer Recognition
  6. List of Volunteer Needs


  1. Trunk or Treat (10/27)

Our students favorite fall event is around the corner, Trunk-or-Treat! Where they get to dress up and enjoy all the trunks that have been decorated; and families get to pass out candy and/or share an activity. Our amazing event co-chairs, Kimberly Sperling and Nicole Carruth, have a spectacular night planned that students will be talking about for weeks after.

Not only can your students, siblings, and friends join in on the fun; but you can also sign up to host a trunk, volunteer for a game or activity, or provide candy and prize donations for students; be an integral part of creating those fun memories for them. Please sign up for a trunk, to volunteer, or donate here: (https://www.signupgenius.com/go/8050449AAA62CA0F58-trunkortreat2#/)   


  1. Reflections Art Show Gala – (10/19)

Join us October 19 (at 5:30pm in the MPR) to celebrate all the amazing Reflections Artwork submitted, at our annual gala. All artworks will be displayed around campus, and there will be a gallery display and awards ceremony. If you have any questions, please contact our Reflections Chairperson Claudia Pineda (klaudette26@gmail.com).


  1. Mustang Roundup (10/07) 

Don’t wait, RUSH, if you haven’t purchased your tickets to SSPTA’s adults-only fundraising event, the Mustang Roundup. Ticket sales close 10/02 at 10pm and tickets will not be sold at the door! Purchase here: https://www.sspta.org/collections/events/products/mustang-roundup-october-7-2023 Invite your friends, family members, etc. The more the merrier.

Our live and silent auction has 140+ amazing items to get your hands on. A huge heartfelt thank you to our Teachers and student families, with the help of our Room Parents, who have put together 18 out of this world baskets that are sure to cause a bidding war! We have school specific items, amazing art created by our students with the help of an amazing team of PTA volunteers, and a raffle. Don’t fret, if you are unable to attend, you can still bid on these amazing items on our auction website. The link to preview items and bid, upon opening 10/07, will be shared on our social media. Make sure you like our Facebook and Instagram page.

The money raised at Mustang Roundup allows us to fund most of our programs for the school year –

  • $150 Teacher grants
  • schoolwide assemblies
  • arts instruction
  • introduction to Spanish
  • support materials for teachers and students (like MakerSpace, ReflexMath, classroom enrichment, and more)
  • game room
  • fun family events, and
  • books for our library.

Without raising the funds needed at this event, SSPTA is forced to cut our support of many of these programs.

We are still in need of many volunteers during the event. You can sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60B0D48ACA723A2FE3-2023. Any amount of time you can give October 7 or October 8 will be very much appreciated! Our Mustang Roundup co-chairs can be reached for event questions, food choice options, donations, volunteer opportunities, etc.: Victoria Skornia (victoria.skornia@gmail.com) and Jennifer Salinas (jennifermsalinas@gmail.com).

We hope to see you on Saturday, October 7, from 6PM to 10PM, at River’s End Pub in Canyon Country. It will be a fabulous time for an incredible purpose—helping our kids! Bring your checkbook or credit card and loosen your purse strings… this one is for the children.


  1. Yearbook Photos

The Sulphur Springs Yearbook Committee is seeking your photos! Please send photos of your kids dressed for special events or greeting friends at school. (Please keep in mind that each person in the photo must provide approval for their photo to be released for printing.) We will be collecting pictures through April 5th, so please continue to send them all year long. Submit all photos to ss.yearbook.pics@gmail.com.

You can purchase student yearbooks here: https://www.sspta.org/collections/yearbook


  1. Special Volunteer Recognition


SSPTA would like to recognize these amazing volunteers for their willingness to donate their time to our student body! We could not have made any of this magic happen, these past few weeks, without these amazing volunteers:

Alisha (Art)

Ginny Salazar

Leslie Solis

Sarah Scott

Aly Gilkerson

Gloria Kamenos

Lucia Gonzalez

Selina Valdez

Anahi Espinoza

Jamie Fisher

Mariah Madison

Shane Kilmer

Cassandra McCormick

Jennifer (Art)

Michelle DeConza

Sonia Chavez

Christina Mackey

Jennifer Salinas

Nancy Ayala

Susan Lee

Chrystal Ramos

Jessica Coleman

Nicole Carruth

Tiffany Dismuke

Claudia Cuevas

Julie Ramey

Nicole Connolly

Tina Fiorella

Claudia Davalos

Karen Fidaleo

Piunik (Art)

Victoria Skornia

Deering Viola

Karen Preciado

Portia Franklin

Yessica Fuentes

David Janoyan

Katie (Art)

Riana Kort

Yuka Kawaski

Daynabelle Anderson

Kessa Taylor

Rose McGee

Yukari Murase-Louden

Emma Chavez

Kim Sperling

Rosita Espitia

Yvette Tucker

Frank Viola

Kristina Sambrano

Sabrina Alvarez

& anyone else missed here!


Also, to all our amazing Teachers, Ms Katie Palacios, Ms Janine Terrazas, and our front office staff Dionne, Gayle, and Holly. Thank you for your support on our Mustang Roundup baskets and communications.


  1. List of Volunteer Need 

We have an immediate need for volunteers in the following areas. If you are available and would like to donate your time, regardless of the amount, please reach out to the contact listed:


Ways to Connect with PTA: https://www.sspta.org/pages/ways-to-connect-with-sspta

If you would like to know more about what the Sulphur Springs PTA does for our school, please check out: https://www.sspta.org/pages/about-us

Best Regards,

Jennifer Salinas, SSPTA 2023-24 Communications Chair

communications@sspta.org; c. 661-607-5387 (voice & text)