Mustang Roundup – Calling all business owners!
Do You Know a Business Owner? Are YOU a business owner?
Our PTA has started planning for our major fundraiser in the Fall, one we haven’t held for three years because of the pandemic. And we are excited to get back to business as usual! Help us with our annual Mustang Roundup!!!
Our adults-focused, super-fun and exciting, sometimes gala-like event is being planned right now. It generally takes the form of a meal (dinner or brunch) as well as a live auction and a silent auction. And it’s located near our homes and school. We love to have a theme for decorations (and costumes if you want to wear them), and we love to get our local businesses involved.
Right now, we are seeking an appropriate location for the event, and we are looking for businesses who are willing to give back to their community – through the donation of a gift card, a basket of items from their store, a unique experience they can share, or any number of other ways.
- If you would like to donate something for our live or silent auction (examples above), please let us know.
- If you have a recommendation for a company, business, or organization that we should reach out to, please let us know.
Please email your suggestions, along with their contact information (name of the owner or manager, mailing address, email address, and phone number — as well as a brief description of how you know them and what we should maybe be asking for specifically…) to or to our joint Mustang Roundup Co-Chairs:
- Jennifer Salinas –
- Victoria Skornia –
We will send out invitations to donate to these organizations soon, so please get your recommendations in now! THANK YOU!!!