We want YOU! Seeking volunteers for Fall PTA events…

We are looking for persons who might be interested in participating on a planning committee over the summer for events that happen in the Fall.


This is not a commitment written in stone.  You can choose how much (or whether) to participate when the time comes.  We are trying to gauge interest and start task forces.


The idea is to start working over the summer, perhaps when you have a little more free time, so you’re not swamped at the beginning of the school year trying to acclimate to new teachers, new schedules, new friends, and planning an event.


We have lots of resources available IF you do decide to get involved.  Every previous activity we’ve ever planned has a full binder (and now also a digital folder) with pictures of the event, tips for a smooth set-up, suggested volunteer roles and timelines, sample flyers, and more.  We also have a team ready to support you with designing flyers, making copies, creating posters, and whatever else help you need.


If you are interested in helping with any of the following Fall events, please let us know:

-       Hospitality (organizing food for meetings and the like)

-       Back to School Social event (like the Welcome Back BBQ)

-       Reflections Art Show and Contest

-       Red Ribbon Week (drug-free, healthy lifestyle)

-       Trunk-or-Treat

-       Mustang Roundup (silent and live auction fundraising gala)


We would like to get started with planning over the summer so these committees are not rushed at the beginning of the school year.  If you would like to be involved with any of these or with anything you’ve seen us do this year (or with something you haven’t seen…), please email President@sspta.org or Victoria.Skornia@gmail.com (your new VP of Programs).



PS – Save the Date for the Spring Carnival:  Friday, May 12, 6-9pm.

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